2014년 3월 17일 월요일

[BOOK] Michael Ende - Momo, The Neverending Story

      Michael Andreas Helmuth Ende was a German author of fantasy and children's literature. He is best known for his epic fantasy work The Neverending Story; other famous works include Momo and Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer.


I stopped counting how many time I read this book. When I lost myself in my rutine, somtimes Momo came out my mind and talk to me "Don't you miss me?" and little turtle,Cassiopeia too. After read whole story(or favorite part) leading by them, each moment of my life became much precious and lovely like flower.

The Neverending Story


After I read Momo, I am looking for Michael Ende's other story, and I found this thick and beautiful book filled with coloured letters and some delicate illustration. Actually I fall in love this book just with outlooking. However, I can't sleep several nights during reading cause this story didn't let me go anywhere without in this book's world.

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